Friday, May 22, 2015

Thursday Night in Charleston

May 21 evening by Tali Champney

Right after our afternoon work, we left to take quick showers back at the house. From there we were off to downtown Charleston to eat dinner at Giovanni’s Pizzeria. We had about an hour before dinner, so we took that opportunity to do some shopping. The market was just starting to close, but the different boutiques and stores were all open. We stopped in a variety of shops, including candy stores to fancy jewelry shops. Then we headed back to Giovanni’s and ate the biggest pizza slices that I have ever seen. After dinner we did a little more shopping, then we gathered back at Giovanni’s to start our ghost tour. Our tour guide walked us around the area and told us various stories of murder, deaths, and the ghosts that supposedly hunt the area as a result. My favorite story was about a woman named Lavinia and her husband John who lured men into their house, put poison in their tea, and murdered them while they were knocked out. Lavinia sought to be the first female serial killer, and that she was. She and her husband were eventually caught and hung, and her ghost has been seen wandering the area where she died. Overall the evening was a really fun experience and I definitely recommend checking out downtown Charleston if you ever get the chance.

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